Climate Change Will Be Significant but Not Extreme, Study Predicts
Climate Change Will Be Significant but Not Extreme, Study Predicts
Earth will experience significant climate change in the coming century as a result of greenhouse gas buildups, but the more extreme estimates of global warming generated by some studies are unlikely to occur, according to newly published research.
'This still commits us to quite a bit of climate change, but it leaves the door open to avoiding the largest and most devastating consequences,' said Gabriele C. Hegerl, a Duke University climate expert who led the study.
Earth will experience significant climate change in the coming century as a result of greenhouse gas buildups, but the more extreme estimates of global warming generated by some studies are unlikely to occur, according to newly published research.
'This still commits us to quite a bit of climate change, but it leaves the door open to avoiding the largest and most devastating consequences,' said Gabriele C. Hegerl, a Duke University climate expert who led the study.