second hand writing 003

procedure ‘second hand writing’:

1. right page
  1. repeat 1 phrase of handwriting in pencil pierre noire for the duration of the page
  2. unite the asemic rendering of the phrase in heavy litho crayon (Korn) in the middle of the page
  3. draw a slight contour around the crayon handwriting
  4. rerender the pencil   pierre noire handwriting in Chinese black ink:
    1. above the crayon using a normal fine  fine calligraphic pen
    2. below the crayon writing using a broad calligraphic pen
    3. while rendering in ink, think about  a 'translation' of the asemic phrase in your mother tongue

2. opposite page
  1. top left: write your translation of the asemic phrase in your mother tongue in fine ink
  2. bottom right: write an English translation/rendering of the mothertongue phrase in calligraphic pen writing
  3. in the middle draw an iconographic/gignographic representation of what is now a piece of 'second hand writing'
  4. date the page to finish your daily work
  5. scan and post your pages

3. write a poem in your mother tongue using the results as input ( i write a very formal 'dizain' that is counting syllables):


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