Why keyboards have esc buttons etcetera (4 parts)
“From this point retain what you have experienced in the extension of your limits, and use it in this and all future performances of “Spiral””
Karlheinz Stockhausen, score of Spiral, ed. 1973, Vienna.
Topographies of Venus
Baruchs quadrant Colors
Cast a shadow (50 pixels)
Capital One (important n)
To be CC or dNASAb in our
You will not be forgotten
we will remember you
so how many are you?
Where would you like us?
How do you like us to?
Perhaps we should? He.
Surely. But ofcourse.
Topographies of Venus
Baruchs quadrant Colors
Cast a shadow (50 pixels)
Capital One (important n)
How was that? She.
Do or did you have ivory eyes?
Do all men wear you? Who are
Ro arme but not on the carpet
Do or did you go straight? How
Was that? Never mind. We
Will ask again next decade.
Capital One (important m)
Cast a shadow (49 pixels)
How was that? Are you all
Men? Surely. But Baruchs
Quadrant colors never made
It to the temple in time. How
Was that? It. On Venus?
M’s. How was that? She.
the Halting of ever. Spur
All. Malatesta’s gone. She.
The halting of ever
in her eyes. It. No
One. Forge
Whatever whvrt
Get you. Hmpfjst. How
Was that? Us.
You will not be
forgotten we
Will remember
you . How
Was that? It.