objective illusion being
the area where intensive differences
have cancelled themselves out
have cancelled themselves out
selbstverstandlich the thermodynamic
equilibrium conceals the virtual ze virt
equilibrium conceals the virtual ze virt
tu all under ze skirt a feunall steut
Enter the dragoin. What sayeth
the Queeran Eliza-tit-sannick?
the Queeran Eliza-tit-sannick?
the empire cometh sayeth she
ze poetspoems badaboems
then, make no mistake,
are ze trajectories thru
lexicalladasiacinuitical fields
of onneur, she must stand
tall in the field of onneurs
tall in the field of onneurs
driven by no you fool no
negro: indeed x-numbered
red niggers hava yoa evva
negro: indeed x-numbered
red niggers hava yoa evva
seena anya bigga? Man we're
talking attractors here.
The final state ufcurse being
the inscriptingetinge, the absinthing
the inscriptingetinge, the absinthing
wound in the quivverflesh of ze weurld
shaking like cat stevens on aftershave.
No goddamnit i will not grant you
freedom, nor you will inherit my hand
freedom, nor you will inherit my hand
as i rip its skin off these few seconds i
cannot but spent with thee, you
hypponucleothamical crashflaggin critsick