Attack of the trees
The Orange Leopard Skin
(a sad environmental parabolic sensation
after Velimir Chlebnikov )
the highly orribull orribullity
with the orribull oire
caught the girl wearing a
ruyardkipling orange leopard skin
und damit also such incroddibully
beautiful brown eyes
toffNowshewas naked &
dangling in the rough woodwork
of is eadless arms. We called in
Rodin Klimt Kupka Delville
and some other professional jerkers
to keep heur image trembling in the
sand so that even now, at post-time
the ripples of heur leuvely sheup
can tell us that the orribull was having
feun again.
In is spare time that is. The trees
do not agree at all. We fear they might be
attacking soon from malcontentment
or stand demanding more leave again.