On a Sondheim gorge

no-thing, that you engorge me;
no-thing, that you engorge me;
no-thing, you engorge me,
surpassed, as a gorge itself
engorge me; you remember pouring upon you, altitude.
greedily i engorge on her http://www.asondheim.org/gorge.mp4
reading, partially hidden by trees by the side of the gorge - while at land, mount, gorge images - god : gorgeaa : gorgeab o : gorgead o : you are to be surpassed, as a gorge itself and every symbol :<> mouth opened gorge gorge greens ground groundzero h h gorge greens gorge ground greens groundzero ground h groundzero hiway hold over the road lane-jamming. the pass through the virgin river gorge and gorge tzu-k greenz tzu-k mounta!nwake tzu-k uould DzE! ZA!D lv : pm bomb uorlda kale godzlv ru gorge ned greenz mozz rad poet o% mud g kuer read yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah yah
Alan Sondheim in a post to several mailgroups
per studica comperativa supra la tematico del ligna in el movemente observata
q'appelata augusta rodina "el ligna del reêl". (Senza riri, è vero):

lines pervading the body, no thing pervading the body, no thing electric, nothing resonata in tempore (cadenza) del aqua. Strings attached.
human Pinocchio= new human();
it's always the same shit we keep digging up. The eternal problem (?) is either you see it or you don't. Rephrasing it is not communicating, for you'd need to superseed communication itself. It can only be achieved by the local (temporal) release of seeds (digidigidies)like these. Jerking off in the womb electric.
[parte sosperanto]
communication womb
superseed womb electric.
communication womb
superseed womb electric.