If you're anywhere near NY:
Sara Tecchia Roma New York is proud to present PERSONA-PERSONAE, a group show of new work exploring different pathways into both psychological portraiture and the photographic medium.http://www.saratecchia.com/gallery/current/05_persona_personae/
Sara Tecchia Roma New York, 529 West 20th Street, 2nd floor, NYC
Media artist CHRISTINA MCPHEE presents large-scale images from her Carrizo-Parkfield Diaries, a meditation on seismic memory and identify along the San Andreas Fault in California. The landscape is a riddle of identity: who is in place, is place persona(e)?
Seismic data, together with layers of documentary video stills, film and digital photography imply both a landscape of information and a physical presence. The persona of the artist disappears within the digital trace.
Black depths of field absorb and project fragments of traumatic memory.
The architectural scale of the prints evokes the ‘big data’ of current natural disasters--the tsunami, Katrina-- and the amnesia that follows. She recalls Persephone--the goddess who disappears into the ground, and is reborn in spring--as if to suggest a cybernetic link between site, identity, and memory.
This is the first time that a group of digital chromogenic prints from the Diaries will be seen in New York City. Videos from the related Carrizo Quartet series, incorporating Diaries content, were presented in a solo exhibition in Sweden at Bildmuseet, December 2005 - January 2006.
The Diaries will travel to Cartes Center for Art and Technology, Espoo, Finland (Helsinki) May to September 2006 as part of a 5 year retrospective curated by Maria Tjader-Knight. A related net artwork, using near-live ground motion data is archived at Whitney Museum of American Art Artport